Thursday, October 6, 2011

Post-Graduation Photo Shoot

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Skudai), Johor.

This was an unplanned photo shoot actually. The original plan was to meet Anis at 11am to transfer photos that were taken during Bak and Ida Kenduri Kahwin. Basically, last night I slept late and didn't have much rest, so I took the time before 11am to cover it. But then Anis called me approximately at 10am, asked me if I could take some post-graduation photos of her. Surely she was gonna pay me, so I said yeah why not. But before that I wanted to fix my car's alignment at a Proton's workshop as I was planning to go to KL with my family that afternoon. It was Friday, so I had to make much of the time before Jumaat's Prayer. It was kind of a rush, but fortunately everything went pretty well.

After my car's alignment was fixed, I headed straight to UTM and met with Anis and Abg Syahrul. Then transferred the pictures, then immediately headed to our shooting locations. We had three places to shoot at; the first one was at the UTM's main lake, the second one was at the UTM's main entrance and the last one was at the side yard of UTM's mosque.

Then after settling all the shootings, Anis bought me and Abg Syahrul some nasi beryani for lunch. Alhamdulillah, I felt very thankful. ^^,

Here are the shots. ^^,

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