Johor Bahru.
Typically, this year is a little bit different. Usually, the holy month of Ramadhan comes when all students are in their semester. Even when all are fasting, there are always something to do. Then there is the 'bazar'. It is basically alive with all the students coming and buying various foods that are provided. The fun part is when we go to the 'bazar' with friends and break fast together. And the IPTs' mosques are filled with students. So, what I meant by different is that, right now, majority of students are in their study leave, 4 months of it and I believe most of them are at their hometown. So basically, there are not much of hanging out with bunch of friends. And there's not much to do other than hibernating. haha.. We often break fast with families rather than friends. Which is a good thing. But its kinda boring for some people, like me. You gotta understand, I'm an only child.
So, for this particular time, an 'iftar' (a.k.a breaking fast together with friends) was planned. Well, it was a spontaneous plan actually. Taufik and I were visiting Ishaq, along with Zubair and Afif, in the evening. Usually, when its evening, JB roads are congested with people who are coming home from work. So, logically, due to the predetermined congestion, I thought we couldn't reach home in time before Maghrib and I was sure there will be an 'iftar' with the four of us. But then it was only me and Taufik, as Afif and Zubair wants to go 'berbuka' at home. So, I invited Arif to 'iftar' with us.
After spending some time with Ishaq at HSA, we eventually drove off to Arif's house to pick him up. Then there was a minor problem; we didn't know where to break our fast. So I spontaneously decided to break at Angsana's surau. Immediately we drove off to Angsana as Maghrib was getting nearer. Once we have reached Angsana, we bought some light snacks and then headed to it's surau. What's surprising was that the surau's committee had already provided foods for people to break fast. We immediately went inside and sat, to where the foods were placed. Eventually, we all broke our fast, as the muazin azans for Maghrib. ^^,
After we were done with the foods, we performed the Maghrib prayer together with everyone there. After that, the three of us went to the food court, which situated outside Angsana and took our seats to eat our purchased light snacks. We saved it for later because we didn't eat it during the break and we stayed there for a while. Then we went to BBU's mosque to perform our isya' prayer and tarawih. And spontaneously, I invited Rasyid to join 'moreh' with us after tarawih is settled.
After we've performed all the prayers, Arif, Taufik and I met with Rasyid then all four of us went off for 'moreh'. But then again, we didn't know where to 'moreh' at. Then someone mentioned about Kapten; a place which provides steamboat foods, in a buffet way. So, I thought, why don't we go there and try. So we all checked out the place and guess what, the price was RM32++ for buffet. Crap, we don't have that much money to pay just for 'moreh'. In order to cover the shame of coming to such exclusive place, we just ordered some drinks. haha.. ^^,
So we stayed there, drinking and talking. We kinda stayed there a bit too long though. Yeah think about it; we didn't order any foods, we only drink, we stayed there long, we talked like it was our own restaurant; so we felt ashamed with ourselves and we eventually went out early enough. haha.. And since we only had our drinks, we had to eat something. So we all went to the Dataran, where there are cheap and affordable steamboat foods. We stayed there for as long as we could, enjoying the foods that we took and ordered. ^^,
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