- No Pictures Were Taken -
All right, the story basically goes like this. One day, Rasyid decided to plan on a trip to Universal Studios Singapore. So, Taufik, Hafidz, Zubair and I agreed on it, but we did not set the date yet. We asked Arif if he could provide us the accommodation to stay for one night there in Singapore. But then, difficulties sets in and conformations has not been made. So we figured, we cancel the trip, instead we go "somewhere less expensive".
So, the three masterminds (Taufik, Zubair and I) decided that we should go to Genting Highlands Theme Park on the 25th of July, as a substitute to our original plan, which was going to USS. So, what we need was transportation, accommodation, budgeting and invite two other friends to join us. The transportation, accommodation and budgets were all ready settled. All that was needed now was to find another two friends, which should be easy to do, but I was wrong. 5 invitations were given and only one confirmed. WTHeck? So, 4 people were supposed to set out to Genting Highland, but then at the last moment, Zubair can't make it. Which kinda pissed me off. Really pissed, I mean. So, the trip was again, CANCELLED.
Then Taufik had this idea; we should go to the Times Square Theme Park, which basically situated at the heart of KL. Since he was the thinker, I had to be the doer. I provided the transportation and invited Shurayh to come along with us, at the same time requested Shurayh if he can provide us a place to stay for one night. Only the three of us go, and didn't invite anyone else because we couldn't take the risk of any uncertainties which could possibly ruin the whole plan. The date was then set, on the 28th we go. Yes! Alas, a trip was successfully planned and organized! I was very much excited to go to such thrilling place. The last time I went to USS, I was unable to try all the thrills provided there due to the time constraint.
On the 28th of July:
I told Taufik and Shurayh that I'll set off from JB before dawn, basically before Subuh prayer. My target was to pick up Taufik at USJ at 9.30 in the morning. So, my journey started at 5.45am. Then traveled on the PLUS Highway, maintaining my speed at 150km/h, then stopped at R&R Machap for Subuh prayer at 6.20am. Had my quick breakfast there, then headed off to USJ at 6.55am. Approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes later, I reached the USJ Plaza Toll. Taufik lived at his uncle's house; he gave me the address so all I need to do was search it via GPS. It has been a while since the last time I used it, so basically, even with the help of the GPS, I still got lost. I didn't blame the GPS, it was entirely my fault because I misguided my car from the route that was being preferred. Damned myself. So, I do what I was told by the GPS and eventually reached the destination before 9.30am. At least I fulfilled my target, right? haha..
After picking up Taufik, we drove off to UTM City Campus's Mosque because Shurayh was waiting for us there. An hour and 10 minutes later, we arrived at the mosque, met with Shurayh and then we followed his car heading to his house. After reaching his house, I parked my car and used his car to go to Times Square. I needed to save my Persona's gas for tomorrow, and since Shurayh drives a Myvi, his car is practically a fuel saver through the urban roads. I drove his car and reached our destination at 11am.
I parked the car, then we all immediately headed to the Theme Park. Soon we found out that it opens at 12pm. I was so damn hungry, because I haven't eat anything yet, during my early stop at Machap, I only had my hot cup of Nescafe. So we all ate at McDonald, at the same, waited patiently for the counters to open. After finishing up our meals, we queued up to pay for the entry fees. After all the waiting, we payed the fees and we excitedly entered the Theme Park.
There we so many things to try, we basically didn't know what to try first. Well, what the heck, we can try all of them as much as we can. So we started off with Robo Crash. It's a bumper car actually, so we played that first. And then we tried the Ooort's Express. This is when all the things started to get crazy.
The Ooort's Express was some sort of merry-go-round, where we just sit in the carriage and spin around clockwise. Taufik and I sat in the same carriage (Taufik was basically on my left) and Shurayh sat in a carriage in front of us. My thought was, this spinning thing wouldn't go fast at all. I was dead WRONG. As soon as the safety bar of the carriage was securely locked, it started spinning like HELL! Frickn' fast! The g-force was great; Taufik is a skinny guy and I know with such g-force I'd sandwich him badly; since I am boulder than him. So, I hold onto the railing around the carriage with my right hand, to prevent sandwiching Taufik till the spinning cycle ends. I did hurt him a little. Damn, poor him. haha.
Holding onto the carriage railing throughout the spinning cycle really costs me, my right arm was aching. It kinda made my right arm basically looked even more muscular. haha! Just kidding. After that we tried the Spinning Orbit. This thing basically spins in mid air. I have to admit, I am afraid of heights, so does Taufik. We took our seats, then get ready for the ride. The Spinning Orbit starts to incline slowly and spontaneously spins at a slow rate, then we reached the maximum height. It was scary; looking down, everything looks so far, looks so small. I didn't look down for long, I was too scared, so I looked straight forward.
After riding the Spinning Orbit, we tried the DNA Mixer. Basically, we expected that the DNA Mixer just spins upside-down for a short period and nothing more crazier. So we thought we could handle that kind of thrill, just a simple upside-down turns. It can't be any crazier right? WRONG! As we sat down with the bars securely locked, the DNA Mixer rolls, twists and spins in every possible angle CRAZILY! I felt like I was the only person screaming for dear life, it felt crazily intense! Then stopped for a while, with our body hanging upside-down. Then it started again, rolling, twisting, spinning; forwards and backwards, DAMN, it really 'mixed' us good! During the 'mix', we were really concerned with our belongings in our pockets, especially our HP, because we didn't want it to fall off or being thrown off from the DNA Mixer. I don't know for how long we hold on, eventually it ended, and we felt a great relief. At this particular time, I really felt like I didn't have the courage to ride the Supersonic Odyssey; the roller coaster. errr..
Before we moved on to the Supersonic Odyssey, we tried the Space Attack. It's basically a machine which looks like a pendulum, it spins 360 degrees from the bottom up, clockwise and counter-clockwise. Fortunately for us, it wasn't a crazy ride, but it felt scary being upside down at a great height. Fuh! haha..
Once we were through with Space Attack, it was time for us to try the famous indoor roller coaster, Supersonic Odyssey. This was officially my first time riding a roller coaster. To me, it looked INSANELY scary because the roller coaster is positioned very near to the surroundings of the building. Even though it looked scary, we had this urge to try it, so we got onto the second ride. Taufik and I sat in the first row of seats of the first carriage, while Shurayh sat in the second row of the first carriage. Few minutes later, some cute teenage French girl sat beside him. Damn, he was lucky. It should had been me instead! haha..
We waited for everything to be prepared and secured by the personnel. Then we were off, moving slowly through the track. Immediately, we traveled through some twists and bends and very sharp corners. Then the ride went up very high, pulled by a mechanical pulley. We slowly went down, again faced with some twists, bends and sharp corners, and immediately plunged down the track insanely fast and went through the first big loop, then crazily twisted and cornered through a tight hole and again went through another loop with insane speed. Then we traveled through the last twists and sharp corners and came to a dead stop. Damn! It was really a hard stop! Arrgghh... Fuh! Overall, the ride was a thrill. It felt good and had this urge to try again. haha..
So we stayed at theme park till 4pm, basically we repeatedly tried all the aforesaid rides. We've tried the Ooort's Express twice, played Robo Crash five times and we rode the Supersonic Odyssey three times. We did tried some kid's rides, not much of thrill, but just for the sake of having fun. Haha.. We paid RM32 to enter, so it's a must to try everything that were provided or else it wouldn't worth the money paid right? haha..
Eventually, we had to get back home before 5pm because Shurayh will be meeting his friends at a particular place before going to spectate the football match at Stadium Bukit Jalil. Malaysia versus Singapore; if not mistaken, it was a qualifying match for the 2014 World Cup. I have to admit, I am not fond to these football stuffs. I was very confident that Malaysia will lose the match, since the previous match Singapore won 5 goals to 3 (I think). haha..
Taufik and I rested at Shurayh's house and by 5.45pm we went out again because there was nothing much to do in the empty house. The match starts at 8.45pm and the roads we already congested. It was very very stressful to be stuck in the congestion. Taufik and I wanted to go to this new shopping complex, it's called Viva. So I used the GPS to guide me there. I don't know why, the route preferred was insanely far, whereas Viva is located near to our own eyes. But then again, the quick route to viva was congested at that time, so we had to follow the GPS. Even though we were able to dodged the congestion, we had to travel to Putrajaya then turned back again towards Kuala Lumpur. It was a very very long route to take but eventually we reached Viva by 9.15pm. Fuh....
Our plan was to watch Captain America, so we bought our tickets at 9.30pm. Immediately we had to enter the cinema. The movie had hilarious and funny parts, the thrills and actions were good, but the movie was a bit too simple though. I was unsatisfied with the ending part of the movie because it didn't end well. Well, I thought every movie has happy ending, but this movie doesn't. Sob3... After the movie, Taufik and I took our late dinner at a place called Downtown, situated near HUKM. Then by 12.30am we headed back to Shurayh's house and reached there before 1am. Shurayh stayed at his friend's house. I felt scared because only us two stayed at an empty house. huhu..
It was an exhausting day, had lots of fun, we were so tired, all we need was some rest, then we immediately went to sleep. And tomorrow, Taufik and I will head back to JB.
P/s: I did bring my camera along with me, but didn't have the time to shoot anything. What a waste. Oh, bummer.
Then Taufik had this idea; we should go to the Times Square Theme Park, which basically situated at the heart of KL. Since he was the thinker, I had to be the doer. I provided the transportation and invited Shurayh to come along with us, at the same time requested Shurayh if he can provide us a place to stay for one night. Only the three of us go, and didn't invite anyone else because we couldn't take the risk of any uncertainties which could possibly ruin the whole plan. The date was then set, on the 28th we go. Yes! Alas, a trip was successfully planned and organized! I was very much excited to go to such thrilling place. The last time I went to USS, I was unable to try all the thrills provided there due to the time constraint.
On the 28th of July:
I told Taufik and Shurayh that I'll set off from JB before dawn, basically before Subuh prayer. My target was to pick up Taufik at USJ at 9.30 in the morning. So, my journey started at 5.45am. Then traveled on the PLUS Highway, maintaining my speed at 150km/h, then stopped at R&R Machap for Subuh prayer at 6.20am. Had my quick breakfast there, then headed off to USJ at 6.55am. Approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes later, I reached the USJ Plaza Toll. Taufik lived at his uncle's house; he gave me the address so all I need to do was search it via GPS. It has been a while since the last time I used it, so basically, even with the help of the GPS, I still got lost. I didn't blame the GPS, it was entirely my fault because I misguided my car from the route that was being preferred. Damned myself. So, I do what I was told by the GPS and eventually reached the destination before 9.30am. At least I fulfilled my target, right? haha..
After picking up Taufik, we drove off to UTM City Campus's Mosque because Shurayh was waiting for us there. An hour and 10 minutes later, we arrived at the mosque, met with Shurayh and then we followed his car heading to his house. After reaching his house, I parked my car and used his car to go to Times Square. I needed to save my Persona's gas for tomorrow, and since Shurayh drives a Myvi, his car is practically a fuel saver through the urban roads. I drove his car and reached our destination at 11am.
I parked the car, then we all immediately headed to the Theme Park. Soon we found out that it opens at 12pm. I was so damn hungry, because I haven't eat anything yet, during my early stop at Machap, I only had my hot cup of Nescafe. So we all ate at McDonald, at the same, waited patiently for the counters to open. After finishing up our meals, we queued up to pay for the entry fees. After all the waiting, we payed the fees and we excitedly entered the Theme Park.
There we so many things to try, we basically didn't know what to try first. Well, what the heck, we can try all of them as much as we can. So we started off with Robo Crash. It's a bumper car actually, so we played that first. And then we tried the Ooort's Express. This is when all the things started to get crazy.
Holding onto the carriage railing throughout the spinning cycle really costs me, my right arm was aching. It kinda made my right arm basically looked even more muscular. haha! Just kidding. After that we tried the Spinning Orbit. This thing basically spins in mid air. I have to admit, I am afraid of heights, so does Taufik. We took our seats, then get ready for the ride. The Spinning Orbit starts to incline slowly and spontaneously spins at a slow rate, then we reached the maximum height. It was scary; looking down, everything looks so far, looks so small. I didn't look down for long, I was too scared, so I looked straight forward.
Before we moved on to the Supersonic Odyssey, we tried the Space Attack. It's basically a machine which looks like a pendulum, it spins 360 degrees from the bottom up, clockwise and counter-clockwise. Fortunately for us, it wasn't a crazy ride, but it felt scary being upside down at a great height. Fuh! haha..
Once we were through with Space Attack, it was time for us to try the famous indoor roller coaster, Supersonic Odyssey. This was officially my first time riding a roller coaster. To me, it looked INSANELY scary because the roller coaster is positioned very near to the surroundings of the building. Even though it looked scary, we had this urge to try it, so we got onto the second ride. Taufik and I sat in the first row of seats of the first carriage, while Shurayh sat in the second row of the first carriage. Few minutes later, some cute teenage French girl sat beside him. Damn, he was lucky. It should had been me instead! haha..
We waited for everything to be prepared and secured by the personnel. Then we were off, moving slowly through the track. Immediately, we traveled through some twists and bends and very sharp corners. Then the ride went up very high, pulled by a mechanical pulley. We slowly went down, again faced with some twists, bends and sharp corners, and immediately plunged down the track insanely fast and went through the first big loop, then crazily twisted and cornered through a tight hole and again went through another loop with insane speed. Then we traveled through the last twists and sharp corners and came to a dead stop. Damn! It was really a hard stop! Arrgghh... Fuh! Overall, the ride was a thrill. It felt good and had this urge to try again. haha..
So we stayed at theme park till 4pm, basically we repeatedly tried all the aforesaid rides. We've tried the Ooort's Express twice, played Robo Crash five times and we rode the Supersonic Odyssey three times. We did tried some kid's rides, not much of thrill, but just for the sake of having fun. Haha.. We paid RM32 to enter, so it's a must to try everything that were provided or else it wouldn't worth the money paid right? haha..
Eventually, we had to get back home before 5pm because Shurayh will be meeting his friends at a particular place before going to spectate the football match at Stadium Bukit Jalil. Malaysia versus Singapore; if not mistaken, it was a qualifying match for the 2014 World Cup. I have to admit, I am not fond to these football stuffs. I was very confident that Malaysia will lose the match, since the previous match Singapore won 5 goals to 3 (I think). haha..
Taufik and I rested at Shurayh's house and by 5.45pm we went out again because there was nothing much to do in the empty house. The match starts at 8.45pm and the roads we already congested. It was very very stressful to be stuck in the congestion. Taufik and I wanted to go to this new shopping complex, it's called Viva. So I used the GPS to guide me there. I don't know why, the route preferred was insanely far, whereas Viva is located near to our own eyes. But then again, the quick route to viva was congested at that time, so we had to follow the GPS. Even though we were able to dodged the congestion, we had to travel to Putrajaya then turned back again towards Kuala Lumpur. It was a very very long route to take but eventually we reached Viva by 9.15pm. Fuh....
Our plan was to watch Captain America, so we bought our tickets at 9.30pm. Immediately we had to enter the cinema. The movie had hilarious and funny parts, the thrills and actions were good, but the movie was a bit too simple though. I was unsatisfied with the ending part of the movie because it didn't end well. Well, I thought every movie has happy ending, but this movie doesn't. Sob3... After the movie, Taufik and I took our late dinner at a place called Downtown, situated near HUKM. Then by 12.30am we headed back to Shurayh's house and reached there before 1am. Shurayh stayed at his friend's house. I felt scared because only us two stayed at an empty house. huhu..
It was an exhausting day, had lots of fun, we were so tired, all we need was some rest, then we immediately went to sleep. And tomorrow, Taufik and I will head back to JB.
P/s: I did bring my camera along with me, but didn't have the time to shoot anything. What a waste. Oh, bummer.
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