Parit Botak, Rengit, Johor.
My friends and I were invited by Kak Huda to come over to her Majlis Aqiqah. At first, I thought the ceremony was for Kak Huda. I was puzzled and confused though, thinking to myself: " Since when did Kak Huda got pregnant and gave birth? ". And so I asked Kak Syida about what I was thinking. She suddenly laugh at me. I became even more confused. And so she told me the real fact; the ceremony was for her older brother (if I'm not mistaken), it was not for Kak Huda. After knowing the real thing, I felt a bit embarrassed. Haha.. Oh well, at least I got it straight forward.
Me and my other three friends started our journey to Kak Huda's house at 10.30am. Once we've entered the Spg. Renggam's exit, we headed straight to Kluang. Supposedly we go straight to Pekan Rengit, but we went to Kluang first because "she" (one of the three friends in the car) was going to meet her boyfriend there. It was a long journey to Kluang and the story behind it was also long too, so at the end, we reached Kak Huda's house at 1.30pm (I think). - Sigh -
P/s: I did not have the chance to snap some photos of the baby because the baby was in a private room with her parents. Darn it.
So, here are some shots.